The Easiest and Hardest Tattoo Ink Pigments To Remove

hardest easiest tattoos to removal

When it comes to laser tattoo removal, certain tattoo pigments are harder to remove than others. Some laser wavelengths don’t recognise ink colours that are closely related to skin colours (such as yellows, oranges, white, or pinks). Red ink is also difficult to remove with laser tattoo removal, even more so on darker skin tones due to the required wavelength. Other methods, such as Tatt2Away®, are “colourblind” meaning they can remove any colour ink from any skin tone. Read more about how different colour inks impact the ease of removal!

When it comes to laser tattoo removal, certain tattoo pigments are harder to remove than others. Some laser wavelengths don’t recognise ink colours that are closely related to skin tones (such as yellows, oranges, white, or pinks).

Red ink is also difficult to remove with laser tattoo removal, particularly on darker skin tones due to the required wavelength. Other methods, such as Tatt2Away, are “colourblind,” meaning they can remove any colour ink from any skin tone. Read more about how different colour inks impact the ease of removal!

Easy Ink to Remove

The colour of tattoo ink is a significant factor in determining how easy or quick it will be to remove an unwanted tattoo. Specifically, in laser tattoo removal, darker inks are easier to remove.

Black ink, green ink, and blue ink are easier to remove than some other colours, such as red, white, yellow, or orange ink. Lasers can easily pick up on darker inks (with black tattoo ink being the easiest to remove on any skin tone) with a simple laser setting. 

Difficult Ink to Remove

Other colour inks, such as red ink, require specific laser wavelengths that not all lasers or companies have available. Even when a laser can remove coloured tattoo ink, the risk of scarring or hypo/hyperpigmentation (the permanent lightening or darkening of the skin) is greatly increased.

White ink is also difficult to remove with laser tattoo removal due to the risk of oxidation, which can turn the ink in a tattoo brown, blue, or grey, with the inability to remove it after the change occurs.

Other pigments of ink that are difficult to remove include pink, orange, purple, yellow, or other colours mixed with red or white inks for the same reason.

Why Skin Tones Affect Ease of Removal

Skin tone is also a significant factor when it comes to removing pigmented tattoo ink.

With laser tattoo removal, it is almost impossible to remove coloured ink from darker skin tones due to the increased concentration of melanin. The risk of keloid scarring increases, as does the risk of hypopigmentation in these skin types.

On lighter skin tones, it is easier to remove coloured ink, though difficulty still remains with certain ink colours. Read more about how skin tone impacts tattoo removal.

Tatt2Away’s Method is Organic and Natural

With Tatt2Away, tattoo removal is possible on any colour of tattoo ink and on any skin tone.

This is because Tatt2Away does not use lasers to find the ink in the skin but rather uses a microdermabrasion technique completed by certified technicians, removing the ink by pulling it up and out of the skin (compared to processing it through the lymphatic system as laser tattoo removal does).

To book a free consultation with Tatt2Away and remove your black or coloured tattoo, contact us. Tattoo removal should work on any tattoo you want to remove, no matter the colour!

Tattoo Removal by Tatt2Away®

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