What to Know About Colour Tattoos

a woman with a red arm sleeve tattoo

Choosing your tattoo design can be challenging enough, and it becomes even more complicated when deciding whether to go for black and grey or colour. We’ve put together a comprehensive list of factors to help you decide if colour tattoos are the right choice for you! 

History of Colour Tattoos

While black ink tattooing has been around for thousands of years, coloured tattoo inks first emerged in Japan during the 1600s. A few hundred years later, the United States and the United Kingdom began adopting the practice of using blue, yellow, green, and red tattoo colours. As tattoo ink technology advanced, various colours gained popularity in the art of tattooing. 

In recent decades, high-quality tattoo inks have been developed, providing safer and more effective options for tattooing. One benefit of these advancements is the availability of multiple shades within each colour range. Although tattoo inks are still not FDA-approved in the US, they have become increasingly safer, resulting in fewer allergic reactions and longer-lasting tattoos with less fading.

Best Tattoo Colours

When it comes to tattoo design, colours play a crucial role, especially since tattoos are intended to last a lifetime. Certain tattoo styles, including watercolour tattoos, traditional tattoos, and Japanese-style tattooing, often rely heavily on coloured ink. Depending on the style you’re after, different colours may be better suited to that specific design. If you’re considering a smaller tattoo, keep in mind that colours can bleed or fade over time, potentially causing the tattoo to appear muddy. Choose colours that complement your desired design, and remember that as the tattoo heals, the colours may look slightly different from when the ink was freshly applied.

Sour skin tone can also influence how tattoo colours appear, which may affect your colour choices. Read on to discover other ways skin tone can impact a tattoo!

arm sleeve tattoo with different colors

Colours That Last the Longest

Black ink and black and grey tattoos tend to be more durable and require fewer touch-ups than most coloured tattoos. In particular, pastel inks or watercolour-style tattoos are known to fade much faster than black tattoo ink, necessitating more frequent touch-ups over time.

In terms of placement, tattoo ink tends to last longer on areas of the body that experience minimal change as time progresses. For instance, tattoos on the belly, arms, or thighs may not retain their structure or colour as well over time. Tattoos on high-contact areas, such as the soles of your feet or the palms of your hands, may also fade more quickly. For longer-lasting tattoos, consider placing them on areas like the shins, ankles, back, shoulders, or collarbone.

Pros + Cons


  • Pros:
    • Ideal for realism or specific art styles, offering vibrant and detailed designs.
    • Adds character and definition to tattoos.
    • Certain colours can enhance or complement different skin tones.
  • Cons:
    • Colour tattoo ink generally fades faster than black and grey ink.
    • Red ink holds its colour better than other shades, but coloured inks overall tend to lose vibrancy over time.
    • There’s a higher chance of ink allergies with coloured inks.

Black and Grey

  • Pros:
    • Black and grey tattoos are highly versatile and suitable for all skin tones.
    • They can be used to create both bold and delicate designs.
    • Black ink can be layered to add depth and dimension to a tattoo.
    • These tattoos are less likely to trigger allergies compared to coloured inks.
  • Cons:
    • Over time, black ink can blur or fade as the skin naturally regenerates.

Ink Colours on Different Skin Tones

Pale, Medium, to Dark

Tattoo ink sits in the dermis layer of your skin, beneath the pigment and melanin, which can affect how colours appear depending on your skin tone. Generally, the paler the skin, the more vibrant and long-lasting the tattoo colours. On darker skin tones, some colours, like blues, purples, and greens, may not show up as vibrantly.

Medium to dark skin tones might also not hold ink as effectively as paler skin tones. However, black ink is the most prominent and versatile ink for any skin tone. The best way to determine how a tattoo will look on your skin tone is to consult with your tattoo artist and get their recommendations. It’s also important to note that red ink cannot be removed from darker skin tones with laser tattoo removal, but Tatt2Away® can remove any colour ink from any skin tone

Another consideration when getting a tattoo, whether in colour or black and grey, is how densely packed the ink will be. Darker skin tones may require more densely packed ink to achieve the same effect that paler skin tones get with less ink. Always consult with your tattoo artist if you’re unsure about using colour ink in your tattoo!

The Sun and Tattoo Inks

When getting a tattoo and choosing ink colours, it’s crucial to consider external factors, such as how often your skin will be exposed to the sun. Since melanin can increase with sun exposure (which is why you might tan in the summertime), your tattoo can fade or appear lighter when exposed to sunlight. If your tattoo is in a spot that rarely sees the sun, you might not need to worry much about this effect. However, especially when deciding on tattoo ink colours, consider how the sun might impact your ink over time. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, your skin may become warmer in tone (or more tanned), so you might want to choose ink colours that complement your tanned skin tone rather than your skin’s appearance when it’s not exposed to the sun

Safety and Tattoo Colours

Tattoo ink colours are not regulated by the FDA. While there has been significant progress in the production and safety of tattoo inks, allergic reactions can still occur in some people. Some inks, such as red and neon inks, contain chemicals and metals that may pose risks. The EU recently banned several tattoo ink colours due to the lack of regulation in ink production, with greens and reds being particularly affected. When it comes to laser tattoo removal, most trained technicians avoid removing neon or fluorescent tattoos, as the ink is pushed through the body’s lymphatic system. With Tatt2Away, however, the ink is extracted up and out of the body, offering a more natural and safer method for tattoo removal.

Black ink is considered the safest tattoo colour, followed by some greens and blues. 

Related Post: Think Before You Ink: Tattoo Ink Ban & Unsafe Practices

Alternatives to Traditional Tattooing Ink

There are a few alternatives to traditional tattooing ink. Temporary tattoos are an option if you’re not entirely committed to having a permanent tattoo. This can also be a great way to see if the design you have in mind will look as expected on your body. Temporary tattoos can be made with henna or other natural pigments. If you’re still after a permanent tattoo but have concerns about traditional ink, different types of ink, such as vegan or organic inks, are available. These inks are marketed as being safer and more environmentally friendly, though there is some debate about their effectiveness and longevity.

Choosing Colour or Black and Grey Tattoos

The benefit of getting a colour tattoo over a black and grey one is that it can add vibrancy, depth, and dimension to a design. Colour tattoos can be used to create a more realistic representation of a subject, such as a portrait or a realistic scene. They can also make a design stand out more and be more visually striking, drawing attention to the tattoo.

Black and grey tattoos, on the other hand, create a more subtle, classic look. These tattoos rely on shading and contrast to produce depth and detail, making them a popular choice for traditional designs such as portraits, fine-line tattoos, and tribal tattoos. They also tend to age better over time, as black and grey ink fades less than coloured ink. Additionally, black and grey tattoos tend to be less painful and require fewer touch-ups than colour tattoos, making them a more practical choice for some people.

Ultimately, the decision to get a colour or black and grey tattoo depends on personal preference and the style of the tattoo design!

Pricing/Cost of a Colour Tattoo

The cost of a tattoo depends on several factors, such as the size, complexity, and location of the design, as well as the skill and experience of the tattoo artist (tattoo artists set their own prices, often by hourly rate or size of the tattoo). Generally speaking, colour tattoos may cost more than black and grey tattoos in the long run due to the additional time and skill required to create the various shades and hues of the design. Colour tattoos tend to require more ink and may need more touch-ups over time, which can add to the overall cost. However, this can vary depending on the specific tattoo artist and shop, so it’s important to discuss pricing with them before getting the tattoo.

Some inks, such as UV ink, can cost more due to the skill required to apply this kind of tattoo. Always check with your tattoo artist before getting a tattoo to set cost expectations. 

Related Post: The Cost to Remove Your Tattoo

before and after results of removing a tattoo at tatt2away

Tattoo Regret? Let Tatt2Away Remove the Ink!

For most people, tattoos are meant to be permanent. However, if you ever find yourself in a position where you want to remove your tattoo, you should consider how colour tattoos can impact your ability to remove your ink! 

Laser tattoo removal is limited in the tattoo ink colours it can remove. Red ink is nearly impossible to successfully remove from darker skin tones without causing hypopigmentation (an effect that looks like the skin is permanently bleached), and some lasers are unable to detect yellow or orange inks. White ink is very tricky to remove from a tattoo because it can oxidise, leaving the ink in your tattoo grey or brown permanently. Additionally, laser tattoo removal pushes the ink further into the body, to be later processed out through the lymphatic system. Very little research has been conducted on the long-term effects of processing potentially harmful tattoo inks through the body.

Tatt2Away is the solution to laser tattoo removal’s limitations. Tatt2Away is able to remove any colour tattoo on any skin tone. Tatt2Away uses the body’s natural healing process to remove unwanted ink. Tatt2Away’s patented technology uses a microdermabrasion technique that causes the body to scab and pulls the ink up and out of the body. To learn more about Tatt2Away’s natural process, or to add Tatt2Away to your business.

So if you’re looking to remove that outdated shamrock tattoo before this St. Patrick’s Day, (out with the old, in with the new, we say!), Tatt2Away is the best choice for you.

Book your free removal consultation for your colour tattoo and get started on your removal journey today, on any colour tattoo you may want to be removed!

Tattoo Removal by Tatt2Away®

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