Unsatisfied with the pain and expense of laser tattoo removal, many people seek out alternatives. Can home remedies, do-it-yourself techniques, or even professional topical creams really work?


Tattoos are generally permanent because the ink is trapped in the dermis, which is the middle layer of the skin. If a harsh chemical, like bleach, lemon juice, or saline solution, is strong enough to burn through the epidermis to reach the tattoo layer, it will also cause severe burns and scarring.

A chemical skin-burning method like this would be extremely painful and wouldn’t be possible with ordinary household products like lemon juice or standard cleaning agents. It almost goes without saying, but attempting to burn your tattoos out with powerful acids is a terrible idea. DIY tattoo removal methods are never recommended.

Lemon Juice Won’t Fade a Tattoo

Some home remedy products may seem like they’re working because they cause skin irritation or may affect the appearance of your outer skin (the epidermis). However, none of these are strong enough to affect the deeper dermis layer where the tattoo ink is stored. No ink is actually being removed, and any skin colour change will be temporary—if you’re lucky.

Salabrasion and Scarring Risks

Another method that technically works is salabrasion, which involves rubbing salt into the tattoo. This method works by rubbing your skin raw with salt until the outer layer of skin is completely removed, and the dermis underneath starts bleeding.

Abrasion with coarse salt can remove a tattoo, but the result is not clear skin. Instead, you’ll be left with a tattoo-shaped scar. Salabrasion is also extremely painful and poses a significant risk of scarring. In the end, while your tattoo might fade or be removed, the pain and scarring are rarely worth it.

Tatt2Away: The Safe Non-Laser Tattoo Removal Solution

Tatt2Away solves this issue by carefully abrading the outer layer of skin with a vibrating brush cartridge, set to a precise depth. Once the dermis is exposed, a natural, organic solution called Teprsol is applied. This solution releases the old pigment from the skin and encourages new, ink-free skin to grow.

Teprsol is a naturally derived lactic compound that meets vegan standards. It’s safe enough that, if spilled on your skin, it wouldn’t burn you. Once it activates the body’s natural healing process to push the old ink out, the technician washes the solution away with distilled water.

Tlthough this process may sound clinical, it’s important to note that Tatt2Away technicians undergo rigorous training and certification to ensure it’s done safely and effectively, without unwanted side effects. However, it’s not considered a medical procedure because it only affects the surface layers of the skin, not the deeper tissue.

Tatt2Away’s Industry Disruption

Tatt2Away is revolutionising the tattoo removal industry by providing a system that can be offered in tattoo studios rather than in a doctor’s office. It’s the first effective tattoo removal method that is not a medical procedure and can be performed in-house at participating tattoo studios.

Why Do Tatt2Away Treatments Look So Distinctive?

No other treatment out there looks like a Tatt2Away session. The pattern of evenly spaced circles is created by using a patented template to mark the areas to remove in each session. The circles and the spacing are both deliberate choices that maximise the surface area of the tattoo that can be removed in each session, while leaving untreated skin between each circle to accelerate the recovery process. Correct use of the template allows for a typical, average-sized tattoo to be removed in 3 sessions.

The skin in these circles only needs to be treated once to remove the old ink. In this way, up to 35% of ink can be removed in just one session.

Many people use Tatt2Away to make their tattoos easier for an artist to cover with a new design. In these cases, one or two sessions is often enough to allow for cover-up art that wouldn’t be possible with only traditional methods.

Why Choose Tatt2Away Instead of Laser or Home Remedies?


Compared to laser, Tatt2Away is less painful, less expensive, and delivers immediate results. And there is no home remedy or DIY tattoo removal product on the market that is both effective and safe to use. Anything strong enough to reach your tattoo would burn the rest of your skin off with it.

The chart below reflects the pricing structure of our products specifically for the U.S. market.

Prices Exclude California for Laser and Tatt2away

Tatt2Away Changing the Laser Tattoo Removal Industry Forever was originally published in Tatt2Away on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Tattoo Removal by Tatt2Away®

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