Shoulder Blade Colorful Tattoo Removal After First Session

Picture: During a Tattoo Removal with Tatt2Away

Non-Laser: Factors Influencing the Number of Sessions (Tatt2Away)

Tatt2Away is a revolutionary tattoo removal method that differs significantly from traditional laser tattoo removal. Instead of using lasers to break down tattoo ink, Tatt2Away employs a patented system known as Trans-Epidermal Pigment Release (TEPRⓇ). This innovative approach involves creating a controlled inflammatory response by removing the skin’s top layers, along with the layers where the embedded tattoo pigments reside.

Typically, individuals can expect to undergo between 3 to 6 sessions, spaced at 8 to 12-week intervals, to achieve complete removal. However, it’s essential to note that Tatt2Away provides more flexibility by allowing clients to control the extent of removal. This means you can choose to remove specific parts of a tattoo, modify its design for a cover-up, or opt for full removal.

The number of Tatt2Away sessions can vary based on:

  • Tattoo Size: Smaller tattoos might need fewer sessions than larger ones.
  • Complexity: More intricate designs may require additional sessions.
  • Age of the Tattoo: Older tattoos can sometimes be easier to remove than newer ones.
  • Individual Skin Type: Skin type can influence how well the skin heals and how effectively the ink is removed.
  • Healing Capabilities: Faster healing may reduce the time between sessions and the total number of sessions needed.

For most individuals, 3 to 6 sessions at intervals of 8 to 12 weeks are typically sufficient for full removal. Learn more about Tatt2Away and how our process works, and how much it costs, and take a look at our FAQs page as well.

Customisation and Flexibility with Tatt2Away

The process involves using a precision instrument to create a series of small abrasions that penetrate the skin’s top layers, allowing the ink to gradually rise to the surface and be expelled by the body’s natural healing mechanisms. While this approach may cause some discomfort (it feels very similar to getting a tattoo applied), it is generally less painful than laser tattoo removal and offers creative solutions, such as covering up the faded tattoo with new ink or simply enjoying a partial removal.

What sets Tatt2Away apart is the flexibility it offers. You can choose to:

  • Remove specific tattoo sections
  • Modify the design for a cover-up
  • Go for total removal

We Provide Complimentary Tattoo Removal Consultations

Tatt2Away offers individuals seeking tattoo removal a versatile and customisable solution, with the number of sessions tailored to individual preferences and goals. As with any tattoo removal method, it’s crucial to consult with a certified Tatt2Away technician to evaluate your specific tattoo and determine the optimal treatment plan that aligns with your desired outcome.

Laser Tattoo Removal: Number of Sessions Required

In contrast to Tatt2AwayⓇ, laser tattoo removal gradually fades and eventually eradicates unwanted tattoos. A trained technician or dermatologist uses a laser device during each session to target tattoo ink particles. These are broken down into smaller fragments for the body’s immune system to naturally eliminate over time. Ultimately, this process takes longer and requires more sessions than Tatt2Away®. Laser treatment also costs more and is limited in the ink colours and skin tones it can effectively remove tattoo ink from. Tatt2Away® on the other hand, provides exceptional tattoo removal results every single time. Let’s dive into laser a little more:

1. Laser: Factors Determining the Number of Sessions

The number of necessary sessions can vary based on the tattoo’s size, ink density, age, and the individual’s skin type. Generally, small and simple tattoos require fewer sessions, while larger, intricate designs demand more. On average, most individuals need between 10 to 15 sessions spaced 6-8 weeks apart.

2. What to Expect with Laser

While the process can be painful—similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin—patience is crucial. Immediate results are rare, and it might take years to see full effects. However, modern laser technology has made tattoo removal more efficient and less invasive.

How Long Does Tattoo Removal Take?

1. Why Laser Takes So Long

Laser tattoo removal is a meticulous process that requires time and multiple sessions for several reasons. Firstly, the tattoo ink is embedded in the skin’s dermal layers, and breaking it down into smaller particles for natural elimination by the body’s immune system is not an instant process. The body’s immune system will try to process ink through the body after each session, but because the ink particles are so large, around 5 sessions are needed before fading begins. This is because each session fractures the ink particles into smaller pieces, but it is not equally effective each time.

A large portion of laser tattoo removal also depends on how healthy the client is. Clients who do not drink or smoke, who consume a lot of water, exercise, and keep their tattoos out of the sun, are more likely to have quicker removal, though it is not guaranteed. Secondly, the number of sessions needed is influenced by various factors, including the tattoo’s size, colour, ink density, age, and the individual’s skin type. Darker and more complex tattoos with multiple colours often require more sessions due to the range of pigments that need to be addressed.

Additionally, sessions are typically spaced several weeks apart to allow the skin to heal and the body to process the ink particles effectively. This gradual approach minimises the risk of scarring and other complications. In essence, the extended timeline and numerous sessions in laser tattoo removal are essential to ensure safe removal while minimising potential side effects, offering individuals the opportunity to erase their unwanted ink gradually and achieve clear skin.

2. What Makes Tatt2Away Faster

Tatt2AwayⓇ offers a quicker tattoo removal process (with fewer sessions required) compared to traditional laser methods for several reasons. Instead of relying on lasers to break down tattoo ink, Tatt2AwayⓇ employs a unique patented system known as Trans-Epidermal Pigment ReleaseⓇ (TEPRⓇ). This innovative approach involves the precise removal of the skin’s top layers, creating a controlled inflammatory response that initiates natural healing processes to remove the embedded tattoo pigments. And, as an added bonus, TEPR removes all treated ink in one session, unlike laser tattoo removal. This results in faster removal of the tattoo.

This is because when the skin scabs, the ink is pulled up and out of the client’s body, effectively removing the ink from the skin rather than pushing it through the body. Furthermore, Tatt2AwayⓇ typically requires fewer sessions (usually ranging from 3 to 6) which are spaced at 8 to 12-week intervals. This is because Tatt2AwayⓇ utilises a polka dot pattern to remove ink each session. The template is moved each session until the whole tattoo is covered and removed. This means that clients can often achieve significant or complete removal within a shorter timeframe, usually around one year or less.

Moreover, Tatt2AwayⓇ offers clients more control over the extent of removal, allowing them to modify the design, get a cover-up tattoo, or opt for full removal. This combination of precision, faster sessions, and greater flexibility makes Tatt2AwayⓇ a quicker and more customisable solution for tattoo removal compared to the traditional laser approach.

Related Post: Everything You Should Know About Tatt2Away® in Comparison to Laser Tattoo Removal

Important Considerations for Tattoo Removal

When considering the important factors in tattoo removal, it’s crucial to recognise that the process is not one-size-fits-all and varies depending on several key elements. Understanding these factors will help individuals make informed decisions and choose the most suitable tattoo removal method for their needs.

  1. Tattoo Size and Complexity: The size and complexity of the tattoo play a significant role in determining the number of sessions required for removal. Smaller and simpler tattoos generally require fewer sessions than larger, intricate ones.
  2. Ink Colours: The colours used in the tattoo can influence the removal process. Darker colours tend to be more stubborn and may require additional sessions compared to lighter ones. In laser tattoo removal, denser tattoos also take longer to remove. With Tatt2AwayⓇ, however, any colour tattoo ink can be removed since the ink is treated physically, instead of with light, as in laser removal.
  3. Tattoo Age: Older tattoos may be easier to remove than newer ones because the ink can fade over time. However, the age of the tattoo can also affect the skin’s ability to heal after removal.
  4. Skin Type: Different skin types react differently to tattoo removal methods. Individuals with lighter skin tones often respond more favourably to treatments, while those with darker skin may have a higher risk of pigmentation changes.
  5. Choice of Removal Method: The choice between methods like Tatt2AwayⓇ and laser removal is crucial. Tatt2AwayⓇ offers a quicker and more customisable solution with fewer sessions, while laser removal may take more time and sessions for complete results.
  6. Pain Tolerance: Consider your pain tolerance level when choosing a removal method. Tatt2AwayⓇ is generally less painful than laser removal, which can be uncomfortable.
  7. Budget and Time: Tattoo removal can be a financial and time commitment. Assess your budget and availability for multiple sessions when making your decision.
  8. Body’s Processing: With Tatt2AwayⓇ, the body uses its natural healing process to help remove the ink. This is because the ink is pulled up and out of the skin with Tatt2AwayⓇ, whereas with laser tattoo removal, the ink and its chemicals are pushed further into the body and processed through the lymphatic system.

By carefully weighing these factors, you can make an informed choice about the tattoo removal method that aligns with your goals, preferences, and circumstances. Consulting with a certified technician or professional is essential for a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a successful and satisfying tattoo removal experience.

Check out our tattoo removal cost calculator for a rough estimate of your tattoo removal and how much it may cost.

Comparing Two of the Most Popular Forms of Tattoo Removal


  • Number of sessions: Typically takes 3 to 6 sessions to completely remove a tattoo.
  • Time between sessions: Sessions are spaced at 8 to 12-week intervals.
  • Total time: Achieving significant or complete removal can be accomplished in a shorter time frame compared to laser (usually around one year or less). You will see results after your first session, and if you are looking to get a cover-up, fewer sessions are needed!
  • Factors affecting sessions: Tattoo size, complexity, age, and skin type influence the number of sessions required.
  • Pain level: Generally less painful than laser tattoo removal; feels like getting a tattoo!
  • Control: Offers clients flexibility to control the extent of removal, such as modifying the design or opting for full removal. Clients have a lot of control over the process with Tatt2AwayⓇ! Treatments are specialised to your tattoo removal needs.
  • Precision: Utilises precision instruments to create small abrasions, allowing ink to gradually rise to the surface for natural expulsion, unlike laser tattoo removal which pushes the ink further into your body and bloodstream.
  • Versatility: Tatt2AwayⓇ provides customisable solutions tailored to individual preferences and goals.


  • Number of sessions: Usually requires between 10 to 15 sessions.
  • Time between sessions: Sessions are typically spaced several weeks apart (6-8 weeks).
  • Total time: The complete removal process can take upwards of a year and a half.
  • Factors affecting sessions: Tattoo size, ink density, ink colour(s), age of the tattoo, and skin type all impact the number of sessions required.
  • Pain level: Some discomfort is common, often described as a sensation similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin, or bacon grease popping on the skin.
  • Gradual fading: Results are not immediate, and it may take several years to see partial or full effects.
  • Precision: Laser targets tattoo ink particles, breaking them down for natural elimination by the body’s immune system.
  • Versatility: Laser removal is suitable for various tattoo types and sizes but has significant limitations when it comes to coloured tattoos.

Based on the number of sessions and ability to work on all types of tattoo ink and colours, Tatt2AwayⓇ is the superior choice for tattoo removal, offering a faster, more precise, and versatile solution compared to traditional laser methods. Its innovative Trans-Epidermal Pigment ReleaseⓇ (TEPRⓇ) system, coupled with fewer sessions and greater client control, provides an efficient and customisable approach to achieving clear skin. With Tatt2AwayⓇ, the tattoo removal journey becomes not just a process of erasing the past, but an opportunity for clients to shape their future canvas as they desire. The path to freedom from unwanted tattoos is undoubtedly smoother, quicker, and more tailored with Tatt2AwayⓇ, making it the preferred choice for those seeking a fresh start.

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Tattoo Removal by Tatt2Away®

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