The Fitzpatrick Scale: How Tatt2Away® Works for Different Skin Tones

fitzpatrick skin tone scale

The Fitzpatrick scale is a numerical classification system used to categorise different skin tones based on their response to sunlight. Developed in 1975, the Fitzpatrick scale has become a widely accepted tool in the field of dermatology.

The scale ranges from Type I, which refers to very fair skin that always burns and never tans, to Type VI, which refers to very dark skin that never burns and always tans. Dermatologists and other medical professionals use the Fitzpatrick scale to determine the appropriate treatment for a particular skin type and to assess the risk of skin reactions and other sun-related skin conditions.

In tattoo removal, the Fitzpatrick scale plays a crucial role in determining potential risks or skin reactions, such as keloids or hyper/hypo pigmentation, that might occur during the removal process. Understanding a patient’s skin type on the Fitzpatrick scale helps practitioners tailor the tattoo removal approach to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Tatt2Away: The Safe and Effective Alternative to Laser Tattoo Removal

tattoo removal before and after
upper back tatto removal before and after

When it comes to tattoo removal, laser tattoo removal has limitations that Tatt2Away does not. Specifically, laser tattoo removal can be harmful when removing certain inks on certain skin tones (keep reading for details!). However, Tatt2Away, a microdermabrasion technique, has very few limitations. Tatt2Away can safely remove tattoos on any skin tone, with little to no risk of damaging the skin or body. While darker skin tones may sometimes encounter adverse reactions, this is why we ask each client to come in for an assessment.

Removing Tattoo Ink on Darker Skin Tones – Tatt2Away

black woman with tattoos on her arm
medium skin tone woman with tattoos
tattoos on dark skin tone man

There are no specific Fitzpatrick limitations to using microdermabrasion for tattoo removal, as it does not target the pigment in the tattoo ink in the same way that laser tattoo removal does. However, darker skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale may be more prone to developing hyperpigmentation or scarring after microdermabrasion.

This is because the procedure can sometimes cause small injuries to the skin, which may trigger an overproduction of melanin or collagen in the affected area. As a result, it is important for individuals with darker skin types to work with a trained and experienced professional who can monitor their skin’s response to the treatment and adjust the procedure as necessary to minimise the risk of adverse effects.

This is why we may opt for a spot test on clients, allowing us to assess how your skin might react to tattoo removal.

To learn more about the Tatt2Away removal process and how it works, check out our website.

The Challenges of Laser Wavelengths on Different Skin Tones

The Fitzpatrick scale plays a significant role in tattoo removal because it helps determine the potential risks associated with the procedure. When it comes to laser tattoo removal, individuals with darker skin types, such as Types IV, V, and VI on the Fitzpatrick scale, are at a higher risk of developing hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation—changes in skin colour that can occur after tattoo removal.

This is because the lasers used in tattoo removal target the pigment in the skin and can inadvertently affect the surrounding skin. Additionally, people with darker skin types may also be more prone to scarring or keloid formation after tattoo removal. As a result, it is crucial for individuals with darker skin tones to seek out a skilled and experienced tattoo removal professional who can tailor the treatment to their specific needs and minimise the risk of adverse effects.

Red Ink on Darker Skin Types – Laser Tattoo Removal

Red ink can be more challenging to remove on darker skin tones because the laser used in tattoo removal targets pigment, and the colour red absorbs light differently than other colours. Specifically, red ink and warm ink tones require a specific wavelength of light to be absorbed by the ink particles. Unfortunately, this wavelength is also heavily absorbed by melanin and melanocytes, leading to potential damage such as hypopigmentation and scarring when treating red ink with lasers.

This makes it difficult to target the red ink with the laser without also affecting the surrounding skin. As a result, it is generally recommended that people with darker skin tones avoid getting tattoos with red ink, or at least be aware that red ink may be more challenging to remove with laser tattoo removal.

Alternative Methods May Work Better

Other removal methods, such as microdermabrasion with Tatt2Away, may be more effective for removing red ink tattoos on darker skin tones. These alternatives can offer safer and more reliable results, minimising the risks associated with laser treatments.