TEPRSOL® is the proprietary and patented solution used in Tatt2Away treatments. All ingredients in TEPRSOL® are natural biological substances commonly found in both plants and animals. The production of TEPRSOL® meets vegan standards, meaning the ingredients are developed from plant material rather than animal sources.Because TEPRSOL® is a proprietary component of the Tatt2Away process, its specific formula is never publicly disclosed. Our labeling is compliant with regulatory standards and lists the ingredients as “USP Distilled Water, Proprietary L40 Lactic Compound.” All TEPRSOL® components are small molecules, which in general are not allergenic. None are peptides, which are the typical molecules that induce allergic reactions. Although it is remotely conceivable that some persons may develop sensitivities or may react negatively to TEPRSOL® usage, no such reaction has been reported and authenticated in over 10,000 treatments.